First of all, it is advisable to Phone Number List look at the hosting of your webshop. As a starting entrepreneur, for example, you often share a server with several others. Especially if your webshop generates enough turnover, it is worth thinking about a Dedicated Server. The next Phone Number List step can be resizing images. You often have multiple images per product. These images often take up a large portion of the space of a web page. If you resize these images, your webshop will soon become Phone Number List a lot faster. Of course, I don't mean literally shrinking the images – it's annoying when visitors have trouble viewing an image – but compressing the code.
The image will still be automatically Phone Number List resized to the same size. Another step is to lower the number of http requests. When someone visits a web page, his or her browser pings the server that hosts that website. Actually, it sends the server a request to Phone Number List send the content of this web page. This seems simple, but the browser has to send a request for every single file on the website. If you reduce the number of files, a visitor's browser has to send fewer requests, which Phone Number List means that this page also loads faster.
You reduce the number of files, among other Phone Number List things, by entering the hard drive of your web hosting package via the FTP data. Here you can merge different files, in order to call up fewer files. No insurmountable problems All in all, having a large webshop Phone Number List can cause several problems. For example, the webshop can become cluttered, duplicate content can Phone Number List arise, you can have to deal with broken links and it can happen that your webshop becomes very slow.